1st Owner: Fernando Castro Abreu e Magalhães
FAMILY: Leite Pinto Saldanha de Miranda Castros and Abreu
Emigration Destination: Rio de Janeiro
Construction Date: 1868
Place/Street: Rua Major Miguel Ferreira
County: Fafe
Typology: Palace
Condition: Very Good
Current Owner: Municipality of Fafe
Museum of Emigration and Communities – Interpretation Center
Facilitating the Integration of Migrants and Cultural Diversity
” The current trend in the development of migration museums, with different names all over the world, is an interesting phenomenon, because it can contribute to the creation of a new and multiple identity, both individually and collectively.
Like the United States (with Ellis Island), Australia or Canada, European countries are currently creating places to facilitate transmission between generations as well as meetings between emigrants and the populations of the host countries, telling their personal story.
While these initiatives serve the duty of memory, they also have three main objectives: To make known, integrate and build awareness.
- Make known: The contributions made by emigrants to their host societies; the diversity and richness of the cultures of origin and; the right to a dual membership.
- Include and integrate: Promote a sense of belonging; allow communities to feel an integral part of the nation; find commonalities and contribute to a national identity.
- Build an awareness of the events that induced individuals – and refugees in particular – to leave their land, thus developing empathy among the population of the host country. More generally, deconstructing stereotypes linked to immigration.”
Migration Museums
Migration Museums Web Commu
Migration Museums Network
International Network of Museums of Migration of which the Museum of Emigration and Communities is a Founding Member
“The Association of European Migration Institution “
(The Museum of Emigration and Communities is an Associate Member)