Miguel Teixeira Alves Monteiro was born on January 10, 1955, in Vila Boa, S. Bartolomeu do Rego, Celorico de Basto .
He completed his degree in History, in 1980 , and did his professional internship at the Preparatory School Bocage, in Setúbal, between 1981/1983.
He belonged to the permanent nomination board of the EB 2/3 Professor Carlos Teixeira school, Fafe, where he remained until November 3, 2009, the date on which he died.
In parallel…
He was part of the initial nucleus of ASPA (Association for the Defense, Study and Dissemination of Cultural and Natural Heritage) of which he was an “exemplary militant” in Braga, having organized and dynamized the ASPA Nucleus of Fafe, in 1981.
In this Nucleus, he began his activity with the “courageous and persistent fight” that allowed the recovery of the Teatro-Cinema de Fafe, which became a reality in April 2009.
He also dedicated himself to surveying the historical, architectural and urban heritage of Fafe.
Between 1989 and 1993, he attended and completed the Course on Disclosure of Historical, Artistic, Natural and Ethnographic Heritage, promoted by the National Center for Culture and the Ministry of Education.
In 1991, he published the book “Fafe dos “Brasileiros” (1860-1930): Historical and patrimonial perspective”.
In 1996, he completed his master’s degree in Population History at the University of Minho with his master’s thesis on “Migrants, emigrants and “Brazilians” by Fafe (1834-1926): territories, itineraries and trajectories”.
From the academic year 1996/1997 onwards, he also exercised, uninterruptedly, teaching duties at the Institute of Higher Studies in Fafe as a professor and supervisor of DESE (Diploma of Specialized Higher Studies).
Between 1997 and 2004, he was part of the research team of the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Minho as a member of the NEPS (Nucleus for Population and Society Studies), collaborating in teaching activities at that university.
In 1997, he began his PhD in Sociology at the University of Minho.
In 2000, he joined the Scientific Commissariat for the Commemorations of the Portuguese Discoveries, coordinating the “Exhibition Commemorating the 5th Centenary of the Voyage of Pedro Álvares Cabral to Brazil” at the Alfândega do Porto;
In 2002, he was invited by the Fafe City Council to design a Museum for Emigration.
From 2002, after the approval of the project “Museum of Emigration, Communities and Luso-descendants”, he worked as Coordinator of this Museum, first on a requisition basis (2002-2004) and then as a collaborator of the Municipality.
Throughout his career, there were countless lectures he gave, the exhibitions he organized, at the invitation of many Higher Institutions, Local Authorities in our country and abroad, namely in Brazil and also in Fafe, where he managed to organize an International Congress on Emigration with the presence of members of the UNESCO board.
In 2009, however, that passion was not enough…
Premonitory, the Municipality had highlighted his work, on October 5, 2008, awarding him with the silver medal of municipal merit, a fact that was one of his last moments of joy. But he was still destined for “his big moment”, when he attended the inauguration of the renovated Teatro-Cinema de Fafe in April 2009.
« To Mestre Miguel Monteiro we owe the national and international affirmation of the Fafe brand as the capital of “Brazilians on a trip”, through its ability to establish partnerships with UNESCO, the Casa de Rui Barbosa Foundation (Brazil), or the Federation of Portuguese Associations in France, and the organization of important international meetings, which propagated the heritage and deep historical ties that unite the municipality of Fafe to the Brazilian nation.»
Antero Barbosa
Councilor for Education – Municipality of Fafe
Miguel Monteiro’s Bibliography
- Monteiro, Miguel, (1982) Reader’s Digest Selections, Discovering Portugal, Lisbon, (collaboration)
- Monteiro, Miguel ; (1991) Fafe of the “Brazilians”- (1860-1930) – Historical and Heritage Perspective, Fafe, Ed. Author.
- Monteiro, Miguel, (1992), “Current Education Contexts – Suggestions for the definition of recurrent teaching principles”, Presença, n.º 6, Braga.
- Monteiro, Miguel, (1992), “Local Studies and the Teaching of History”, Proceedings of the First Meeting on the Teaching of History, Lisbon, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, pp. 431-439.
- Monteiro, Miguel, (1995), “Cults and Occults of Monte Longo”, offprint – Minia, Braga, ASPA, PP.103-135.
- Monteiro, Miguel, (1996); Migrants, Emigrants and “Brazilians” (1834-1926) – territories, itineraries and trajectories, Braga, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho, 485, pag
- Monteiro, Miguel, 1996 ; Migrants and Emigrants of Fafe (1834-1926) – Territories, Social Structure and Itineraries, Fafe – 1st Days of Local History, Fafe, Fafe City Council, , pp. 373-419.
- Monteiro, Miguel, (1996) “Migrants, Emigrants and Brazilians”, Proceedings of the 2nd Historical Congress of Guimarães, Vol. 7, Guimarães City Council – University of Minho, pp. 285 – 330
- Monteiro, Miguel, (1997)“The game of stick as a representation of status and social hierarchy”, Mínia, Braga, ASPA
- Monteiro, Miguel, (1998) “Geographical mobility and social inequality – Brazil as a destination of distinction”, Bulletin de La Asociación de Demografia Histórica, XVI – I, Asociación de Demografia Histórica, pp.95-136.
- Monteiro, Miguel (1999) ; “Geographic Mobility and Social Inequality – Brazil as a Distinguished Destination”, International Congress of the Population, V Congress of the ADEH, Natural Growth, Demographic Change and Migrations” (Vol.II) Logroño.
- Monteiro, Miguel, (1999) The Role of “Brazilians” in the villages of Minho: the case of Fafe, in Os “Brasileiros” da Emigração, Jorge Fernandes Alves (Coord), Vila Nova de Famalicão, Bernardino Machado Museum
- Monteiro, Miguel, (2000), Brazilian Architecture Marks in the Landscape of Minho,” The Brazilian of Torna Viagem, CNCDP – Portugal, National Commission for the Commemorations of the Portuguese Discoveries, Lisbon
- Monteiro, Miguel, (2000) “The Public and the Private”, O Brasileiro de Torna Viagem, Lisbon, CNCDP – Portugal, National Commission for the Commemorations of Portuguese Discoveries, Lisbon
- Monteiro, Miguel, (2000) “Migrants, Emigrants and “Brazilians” (1834-1926), Fafe, Ed. author.
- Monteiro, Miguel (2000) ; Migrants, Emigrants and Brazilians (1834)-1926) – Fafe, ed: author and (Neps), University of Minho, Braga
- Monteiro, Miguel, (2000), “Material representations of the «Brazilian» and symbolic construction of the return”, Camões, Number 11, October-December.
- Monteiro, Miguel, (2003), “Gastronomy: Territory and Borders”, XIV Minho Gastronomy Congress – II International Gastronomy Congress – III Luso-Galaico Congress, Alto Minho Tourism Region, Viana do Castelo.
- Monteiro, Miguel, (2004) Guided Tour of Fafe – Suggestions for a look, Fafe, Parish Council of Fafe.
- Monteiro, Miguel, ( 2004), Emigration to Brazil (1834-1926): “The numbers and autobiography – leaving, living and returning in the first Person”, Territories and Borders, Federal University of Mato Grosso, V.5, n. 1, Cuiabá, pp. 155-168.
- Monteiro, Miguel, (2004) “Architectural Marks of the “Brazilian” in the Urban and Peripheral Landscape”, Mínia, Braga.
- Monteiro, Miguel, (2004) “Emigration to Brazil (1834-1926): Numbers and Auto-Biography – Siar, living and returning in the First Person”, in Migrações: HIstória, Economia e Encontro de Culturas, in Actas 5ªs Local History Journeys, Fafe, Fafe City Council, , pp. 131-155
- Monteiro, Miguel, (2005) “ Material Representations of the ‘Brazilian’ and the Symbolic Construction of Return ”, in Cultural Turbulence in Transition Scenarios – The Ibero-American 19th century, Neide Marcondes and Manoel Bellotto (orgs.), São Paulo, Edusp – Publisher of the University of São Paulo, pp.165-189.
- Monteiro, Miguel,(2005) «From the littérature on the web: Images croisées dans un webmusée – le Cas de www.museu-emigrantes.org» , nº 19, Paris, Ed. Mémoire –Génériques, (4th quarter), 2001, 134 p.
- Monteiro, Miguel, Rocha-Trindade, Maria Beatriz (2006) (2007), “Emigration and Return: Crossed Images in a Webmuseum and the Role of Technoscience in the Case of www.museu-emigrantes.org .”, In Portuguese Emigration to the BRasil, Coordination Fernando de Sousa and Isménia Martins, Edições Afrontamento, pp, 437-449
- Monteiro, Miguel, (2006) ´ The Emigration Museum and the “Brazilians” of Rio: the public and the private in the construction of modernity in Portugal l ‘, I Luso-Brazilian Meeting of Museums – houses : Space, Object and Museography, Rui Barbosa House Foundation, Rio de Janeiro. in Revista da Faculdade de Letras HISTORIA, Porto, III Série,, vol. 8, 2007, PP.443-458
- Monteiro, Miguel, (2007) “Migration and European Citizenship – Living in the City of BabeL”, in Cities Stories Mutations Challenge s, MARCONDES, Neide; BELLOTTO, Manoel (orgs), Arte&Ciência Editora, São Paulo.
- Monteiro, Miguel, (2007) – ” Portugal, A Nation Scattered Around the World: The Fafe Museum as Producer of an Archive of Memories and Interactions . “, Universidade Aberta, Lisbon (press release)
- Monteiro, Miguel, (2007) “Architecture of Memories at the Museum of Emigration and Communities – Web communicational memory and the nuclei of material/ symbolic memory”, German Congress of Lusitanians, University of Cologne – Conference Portugal and Migrations: Realities and representations, 6th to 9th of September
- Monteiro, Miguel, (2007) “The Count of São Bento at the Emigration Museum” , Cycle of Sessions Commemorating the Bicentennial of the Birth of the Count of São Bento, Santo Tirso City Council, 28-09-2007
- Monteiro, Miguel, (2007) ” Emigration as a mechanism of social mobility in Portugal: the example of Fafe (1834-1926) ” Presented at the XXVII Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History – GLOBALIZATION: LONG-TERM Perspectives – Session: “Social Mobility in Portugal in the 19th and 20th Centuries: historical and sociological analyses”, Lisbon, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 16-17 November 2007:
- Monteiro, Miguel ; Rocha-Trindade, Maria Beatriz, ” Emigration and Return: Crossed Images in a Webmuseum and the Role of Technoscience in the Case of www.museu-emigrantes.org “, II International Seminar – Portuguese Emigration to Brazil, CEPESE, Universidade Lusíada, Porto , (2006) (2007)
- ROCHA-TRINDADE , Maria Beatriz and MONTEIRO, Miguel, (2007) “ Memories of Emigration and Return at the Emigration Museum – Technoscience at the Wemuseu””, “Meeting in Coimbra – Pessoa Studies and other themes”, Fernando Pessoa Studies Center , São Paulo, pp.111-122
- ROCHA-TRINDADE , Maria Beatriz and MONTEIRO, Miguel, Unesco, Maio, (2007) “ Museums Devoted to Migration: the Portuguese Emigration”, Museum Internacional – The Cultural Heritage of Migrants, UNESCO , 233/234, pp145-150 .
- ROCHA-TRINDADE , Maria Beatriz and MONTEIRO, Miguel, (2007) “Portugal: The Museum of Emigration and Communities”,Centro Studi Emigrazione, Rome
- Marcondes, Neide; Monteiro, Miguel; Bellotto, Manoel, “Transposition/transmutation/transfiguration – Rural architecture Portugal>Brazil>Portugal”, International Seminar: Memories and Migrations, Fafe, 5-9, 2007